Geotechnical Stabilization System: When faced with slope failure remediation as a result of unstable ground conditions, such as steep slopes where landslides are an issue to loose and shedding rock fall areas, failing slopes and poor soil conditions, the overarching goal of any Stabilization System is to create and maintain a stable system which works to protects infrastructure. BAT's ability to proficiently work with all systems, including, Anchor Retaining Systems (including Tiebacks, soil and rock anchors), Rope Access Technologies, Avalanche & Slide Mitigation, Rock / Snow & Debris Flow, Mesh Protection and Catchment Systems products & more, has been counted on by our clients since 1988.
Anchor Retaining Systems: We offer a wide range of Anchor Retaining Systems that utilize Rock Anchors, Ground Anchors, TieBack Anchors Retaining Systems, Cable Anchors, Micropiles and Grouted Dowels. These systems accommodate rock stability on roads or mine bench cuts, to tensioned DCP anchors in gravels for building seismic upgrades, communication or wind tower anchors. BAT Construction Ltd. can provide teams to install almost any Anchor Retaining System, in any situation, including Micro-piles, TieBacks, tendons and cable bolting. Tension and testing services are a part of our quality assurance program.
RELATED PROJECTS: AltaGas Forrest Kerr Run-of-River,
Scaling / High Angle Rock Scaling: BAT Construction Ltd. has highly trained, certified personnel who offer high angle rope access scaling to rock cuts in order to maintain safety on highways, railways, mining benches and residential/civil excavations using blasting, air bags, power jacks and bars. BAT Construction Ltd. also has an emergency response team who have the ability to rapidly mobilize, access and clear rail and highway rockslides.
AltaGas-Forrest Kerr Run-of-River
Shotcrete: At BAT Construction Ltd. our ACI certified nozzlemen, and a variety of specialty equipment offers a wide selection of dry mix, and wet Shotcrete Shoring Services. Our shotcrete undergoes strict testing and is typically reinforced with poly, or steel fiber additives. The versatility of shotcrete allows it to be utilized on high rock faces for Shotcrete Slope Stabilization, rock cuts along highways, underground, and anywhere traditional form and pour techniques cannot be used. BAT Construction can even add a decorative element to the Shotcrete Retaining Wall making it “look like” the rock it covers up. We can create the esthetics and safety…all in one shot!
RELATED PROJECTS: AltaGas Forrest Kerr Run-of-River,
Pressure Grouting: Also known as High-Pressure Grout Injection, BAT Construction Ltd. is able to inject high, and low pressure grout, mortar or chemical solutions through existing or new drill holes. Grout injection is performed to seal fractures, or perforations that typically exist in unstable rock. Soil injections are made through a casing, or “pipe sleeve”, that is first drilled to the required depths. Our process’ are used for dams, tunnels, reinforcement of walls, superficial foundations, and geotechnical stabilization. This application is also utilized for HDH drain hole sealing, anchor installation, foundation jacking, void filling and settlement remedial work.
Retaining Walls: Having installed and built many tie-back walls for rail, and road access, along with several other MSE, shotcrete and block walls. BAT Construction Ltd. can provide a solution to most retaining wall installations. We will also rehabilitate or stabilize existing walls that are moving or failing.
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Gabions: Gabions are used to slow the velocity of concentrated runoff or to stabilize slopes with seepage problems and/or non-cohesive soils. Gabions can be used at soil-water interfaces, where the soil conditions, water turbulence, water velocity, and expected vegetative cover are such that the soil may erode under the design flow conditions. Gabions can be used on steeper slopes than riprap and are sometimes the only feasible option for stabilizing an area where there is not enough room to accommodate a "softer", vegetated solution.
Shoring / Underpinning / Soldier Pile Walls: Including 30 cm Micro-Piles that allow load capacities of 30-150 ton (tensile & compression) with minimal distortion.